WHO AM I?!?!?!
Hi! I'm Jay and welcome to my Webbed Site! Here you will find Images, links, my art, random thoughts, and whatever else I feel like putting on here! In the age of the enshittified internet, having my own website is a nice little break from The Horrors. I am an art student and unable to stop picking up new hobbies and interests, and I talk about them sometimes!
Feel free to reach out through email: christophertheplant@gmail.com
If you're enjoying the site, leave a message on my guestbook!!
Please note this website is best veiwed on a computer! I used to try and make it mobile compatible but then i added alot of images and i have yet to figure out how to make them work on mobile. sorry!!
Meet my site mascot: Pie the Hallucigenia!
Hallucigenia was a Cambrian worm thing that is so weird looking that the people who discovered it decided to name it after hallucinations. In the 70s, people thought that the spikes now thought to be on its back were actually its legs, and its head was its tail. Eventually, scientists realized it was the upside down and the wrong way around. I picked a hallucigenia to represent my website because I have been having prehistoric animal brainrot recently, and i like hallucigenia quite a bit. its silly and fun to draw!

HEY THIS IS MY PET SHERB. i'm just leaving him here for a while. can you look after him for a sec while im gone