furby winking omniously saying 'Send me to YOUR friends!' cute little hamster gif fish


the roach the roach

Here you may find documentation of my furbies, my artwork, and whatever else i want!
Take a look around, but BEWARE. the animals are amongst us.


I'm Jay! I'm an artist, furby enthusiast, and amateur internet ponderer. I spend my days working on various art projects, drawing, painting, and furby or doll customizing. I am a foodie and aspiring coffee nerd. I like bugs and creepy little critters, and I have a cat named Babushka. Feel free to reach out on Discord, Spacehey, Tumblr or via email- I'm always open to making new friends and i love to chat! I'm using this site as my own little evil lair of the internet, because coding is super fun and i'm not the biggest fan of social media. My HTML/CSS skills are not the greatest but I'm always trying to improve my site, so check back for updates!

little pixelated fish little pixelated fish little pixelated fish

while you're here, do you want to sign my guestbook?

little pixelated fish little pixelated fish little pixelated fish little pixelated fish
human skull with spider legs

HEY THIS IS MY PET SHERB. i'm just leaving him here for a while. can you look after him for a sec while im gone

little pixelated fish little pixelated fish
fish little pixelated fish little pixelated fish fish fish little pixelated fish little pixelated fish fish little pixelated fish little pixelated fish fishfish little pixelated fish little pixelated fish fish fish fish fish little pixelated fish fish fishfish little pixelated fish little pixelated fish fish fish little pixelated fish little pixelated fish fish fish fish little pixelated fish little pixelated fish fish little pixelated fish little pixelated fish fish fish little pixelated fish little pixelated fish

(sorry about the fish i have an infestation)

little pixelated fish little pixelated fish fish
little pixelated fish little pixelated fish little pixelated fish fish little pixelated fish

thanks for visiting!

hosted by neocities!

Last updated 3.22.2024

little pixelated fish little pixelated fish little pixelated fish little pixelated fish little pixelated fish roach